Three Characteristic Functions
We will set up three new offices to address issues on graduate students that need to be accelerated in particular, such as industry-academia collaboration support, financial support, career support, recruiting of international students, and support for international education (Short-term study abroad, receiving research guidance from overseas researcher, and overseas internship, etc.).

Academia-Industry Cooperative Education Office
We will strengthen educational cooperation with private companies, involve students in industry-academia collaboration projects, promote internships at private companies, plan and develop other industry-academia collaborative education, and plan and coordinate efforts to promote admission of working adults in the university.
Academic Life and Career Support Office
We will manage the financial support for the graduate students making use of ” Kyoto University Science and Technology Innovation Creation Fellowship”, ” Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation implemented “, or other scholarship utilizing original funds. In addition, we will plan and coordinate “Teaching Ability for University Education Improvement Course” to strengthen students‘ educational ability after obtaining an academic post, and work on various projects that lead to career support for the students.
Global Education Promotion Office
We will work on centralizing the contact for responding to inquiries from foreign students who wish to study at Kyoto University, planning and implementing public relations and recruitment activities utilizing overseas study abroad support organizations, promoting short-term study abroad (receiving research guidance from overseas researchers), and support for overseas internships.
< Grant for Overseas Research by the Division of Graduate Studies (DoGS) >
With the aim to strengthen the global development of graduate school education, the Division of Graduate Studies (DoGS) of Kyoto University provides financial support for Kyoto University’s graduate students to travel abroad to conduct field research, present their research at international conferences, conduct joint research overseas, or receive research guidance at overseas laboratories. The maximum amount of the grant is 400,000 yen per person.
The application deadline for the selection of 2nd semester in the academic year 2024 is Wednesday, August 21, at noon.
More details are available in the application guideline.
<Previous selections>
1st semester in the academic year 2024 (156 applications / 37 scholars)
2nd semester in the academic year 2023 (113 applications / 29 scholars)
1st semester in the academic year 2023 (164 applications / 29 scholars)
The academic year 2022 (Japanese only) (105 applications / 37 scholars)
< Kyoto University Short-Term Academic Research (KU-STAR) Program >
As part of its efforts to increase international student enrollment at the University’s graduate schools, in 2024, the Division of Graduate Studies launched the Kyoto University Short-Term Academic Research (KU-STAR) Program in our target countries, such as India, Australia etc. The KU-STAR Program provides opportunities for outstanding students who wish to study and conduct research at Kyoto University to experience the research environment and know ecosystem at the University.