Division of Graduate Studies

Financial support2022.06.14

【by June 20】Call for application AY2022 Discretionary Expense of the Director of Division of Graduate Studies

As we have already announced to the SPRING fellows, the application deadline for the AY2022 Discretionary Expense of the Director of Division of Graduate Studies (事業統括配分経費) is Monday June 20. We look forward to your applications!

—————What is Discretionary Expense of the Director of Division of Graduate Studies?——————

As the Discretionary Expense of the Director of Division of Graduate Studies (事業統括配分経費), the director of the Division of Graduate Studies provides additional research grant to the applicant when it is regarded to be beneficial for the applicant’s research or his/her career.

The applicant should make plans deliberately and obtain permission from the supervisor and his/her signature in advance of submitting this application form.

Please read carefully the notices in the application form, which can be downloaded from the link below. If you wish to receive 事業統括配分経費, please submit the scanned data (pdf.jpeg.png. etc.) of the application form with the supervisor’s signature by Monday June 20th, 2022, to the Division of Graduate Studies. The result will be notified around mid-July.
We look forward to your applications!

Application form:

tel: 075-753-5402,3315
E-mail: kikaku-graduate@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp