Division of Graduate Studies


(Dec. 6th) Seminars on Tea and polyphenols

The following seminar will be held under the Kyoto University Science and Technology Innovation Creation Fellowship Program.
We look forward to your participation. Please also refer to the leaflet for details.

【Seminars on Tea and polyphenols】
Seminar 1(16:30 to 17:20 including 10 min discussion time)
・Prof. Iou-zen Chen and Prof. Shu-yen Lin (National Taiwan University)
 Tea production, industry and research in Taiwan.
Seminar 2(17:20 to 18:10 including 10 min discussion time)
・Yves Desjardins (Laval University, Canada)
 The (poly)phenol/gut microbiota conundrum: Towards new insights on (poly)phenols mode of action


・Room W406 of the Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University

*Date and time
16:30 to 18:10, December 6th, 2022

For details, please see the leaflet.

For inquiries on how to apply, please contact us below:
Student Affairs Office, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univerisity